We are using XAM grid and XAM combo editor. XAM combo Editor we have bind animal list. We have saved selected value of XAM combo in XAM Grid Fields.
Now we want that as we select the Row of XAM grid. The all Row data should be display(like in textBox and XAMCombo as selected item). All data are showing as we want except in XAM combo editor. the grid item is not showing as selected item in XAM combo Editor. We are following WPF MVVM pattern..
Please guide us, we are stuck now.
Hi Pri,
Thanks for the clarification. I have updated my sample to reflect this.
Thanks for this, But In my case XAM Combo Editor is separate not include in XAM grid. Suppose we have multiple fields like in XAM combo editor have species name other text box have species number etc than selected species and give the input of species number and click on submit button. all data will be saves and will be shown in XAM grid.
Next Step( I am stuck): As we click the grid Row ( Where we have Species Number and Species name) that species number should be shown in Species Text Box and Species should be shown in XAM combo editor as Selected Species. (in this step species not showing as selected species in XAM combo editor that is my problem.)
Hello Pri,
Please see my attached sample. Inside I have a XamComboEditor that is inside a XamDataGrid. This combo editor is bound to a list of animal types. When I select a row inside the XamDataGrid, it displays the row data below in a TextBox. This row data includes the animal type that was selected in the XamDataGrid.
I'm working on a sample that I hope will demonstrate what I think you are trying to do. Should be ready by tomorrow.