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XamDoughnutChart not redrawing after data has changed


I've been having some difficulties with the doughnut chart recently (might be due to the recent 14.1 upgrade) but I have my a doughnut chart which I am binding to and my datasource is an oberservable collection within an observable collection. 

Like so:

public class DoughnutChartSource : NotificationObject
        public string Name { getset; }
        public decimal Value { getset; }
        public string Label { getset; }
        private ObservableCollection<PieChartSource> _children;
        public ObservableCollection<PieChartSource> Children
                return _children;
                if (_children == value)
                _children = value;
        public DoughnutChartSource()
            Children = new ObservableCollection<PieChartSource>();

In the constructor of my viewmodel it loads the initial data which works fine, drawing both the parent and the child rings.

But when I change the data only the parent is drawn and not the children.

I have created a treeview and bound the same data to it which works fine and draws the data as expected so its something wrong with the chart and not the data. 

Thanks, Grant
Parents Reply Children
No Data