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Index not properly updating when new record is added

Hello. I have the following xamDataGrid:

DataSource="{Binding UserInfoData, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">

<igWPF:FieldLayoutSettings HighlightAlternateRecords="True" 

<ContextMenu x:Key="RecordContextMenu">

<MenuItem Header="Delete User" 
Command="{Binding DataPresenter.DataContext.DeleteUserommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},Path=Parent.PlacementTarget.Record}">




ViewModel like so

private ObservableCollection<UserInfo> _userInfoData;

public ObservableCollection<UserInfo> UserInfoData 
get { return _userInfoData; }
set { Set(() => UserInfoData, ref _userInfoData, value); }

private void OnDeleteUser(DataRecord record)

var index = record.Index;



When I attempt to delete a record BEFORE I add a record using the build in control activated by AllowAddNew, the index points to the appropriate record I right clicked on. When I add a new record then try to delete that record the record underneath is deleted. The index passes back is the correct index on the grid but points to the wrong record in the collection. The strange thing is that when I save change to the database the newly created record shows up.

Why is the index off after a new record is added?