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Bind same property multiple times


I'm having trouble with the XamDataGrid component when I try to bind multiple columns to the same property of an object.

Let's assume we have this class : 

public class Person{

   public string Name{get;set;}


And a simple XamDataGrid like this :

        <igWPF:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="False" />

              <igWPF:Field Name="Name" Label="Name" />
              <igWPF:Field Name="Name" Label="Name" />


When I execute this I have a System.NotSupportedException thrown, with the following message : 

Field named Name was not found in data source: Test.Person

Do you have any idea on how I could use twice the same column in the same XamDataGrid ? (Of course I'm not only showing twice the same columns for fun, I need it because one of them will use a converter).

Thank you for your help.

ps : Sorry for my English, I'm French.

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