Let me start by stating that I do not want a Stacked Column Series, because it is too difficult to determine the fragment series value using the Y axis. I want to overlay series onto the same X Axis and use a translucent color so I can see overlapping series through those on top of it.
Hi Ed,
Thank you for your post. I was looking into your requirement and was wondering whether you had looked into the StackedBarSeries:
I believe that you can find them helpful.
Let me know, if you need any further assistance on this matter.
No this will not work.
The Stacked Bar Series is just like the Stacked Column Series, just on it's side. When I look at the Oil production in the Stacked Bar Series, and align it with the values in the X-Axis, it appears that it should have a value of ~1450TWh. But that is not the case, it's value cannot be determined by looking at how it is aligned with the axis, you have to guess. This is also demonstrated in the Infragistics WPF Sample Browser under xamDataChart/Display/Gallery - Category Series. If you first look at the standard Column Series or Bar Series, you can see the value of the Oil Measurement for China. Now switch to Stacked Column Series or Stacked Bar Series And look at Oil for China, it looks like it is at ~2400TWh!!!
What I expect is the Oil (since it is the smallest value in the category) to be at the very bottom, so I can look at its height, and associate with a value on the measurement axis. Then whomever is the next higher in that category to be displayed and so on.
Hello Ed,
I am just checking if you require any further assistance on the matter.
The overlay does in fact happen. However, it is possible that a column series with a larger value is overlaying a previously rendered column series with a smaller value in the same category. When that happens, it looks like some column series just don't have a value for that category when there actually is, but it's just hidden.
Thank you for your reply. This sounds like expected behavior. I believe that Graham can say if this behavior can be changed but it seems that you need 3D visualization of the XamDataChart which is currently not available.
No, I don't need 3D, I need series render prioritization. I saw another post that said I need to reduce the alpha channel on my selected colors so I can see through series that overlay other series, but this visualization is not ideal.
Thank you for your reply. I have been looking into your requirement and I believe that this prioritization cannot be achieved because the series render the way they are declared and this in no implemented algorithm which calculated which should be rendered first depending on its value.