I have a document, I insert some lines with bold and some without.
I want to reduce the font for the whole document, and allow me to stay with my configuration.
My code is this one :
public ContextViewModel() { data = new RichTextDocument { IsReadOnly = true }; csBold = new CharacterSettings() { Bold = true }; CharacterSettings csBigSize = new CharacterSettings() { FontSize = new Extent(20, ExtentUnitType.LogicalPixels) }; pn = createParagraphNode();
InsertDetails(); }
void InsertDetails() { AddText(pn, csBold, "Version : "); AddText(pn, null, Version.ToString()); pn = createParagraphNode(); }
I want something like : AddText(pn, null, csBigSize,Version.ToString());
Could you help me ?
I found the solution :
csWithBold = new CharacterSettings() { Bold = true, FontSize = new Extent(14, ExtentUnitType.LogicalPixels) }; csWithoutBold = new CharacterSettings() { FontSize = new Extent(14, ExtentUnitType.LogicalPixels) };
I'll use it when I want Bold or not.