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CellClickAction behavior


The following applies to 15.1.  I set a 'global' CellClickAction="SelectCell" setting and, as expected, all of my XamDataGrid fields then required a double-click to enter edit mode.  I then set a 'local'  CellClickAction="Default" on one of the checkbox fields.  I was expecting that a single-click would be all that is needed to change the value of the checkbox.  However, a double-click was still needed to change the value.  What am I missing?  Shouldn't the 'local' setting override the 'global' setting?  I tried the same test on a CurrencyField, and saw the same issue.

       <igWPF:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding DataList}">           
                <igdp:FieldSettings CellClickAction="SelectCell" />
                        <igdp:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="False" SupportDataErrorInfo="RecordsAndCells" />
                        <igdp:CheckBoxField Name="IsApproved" >
                                <igdp:FieldSettings CellClickAction="Default" />
                                <igdp:CellBinding Property="IsEnabled" Target="Editor" Binding="{Binding Path=DataItem.CanEditIsApproved}"/>

                        <igdp:CurrencyField Name="Salary">
                                <igdp:CellBinding Property="IsEnabled" Target="Editor" Binding="{Binding Path=DataItem.CanEditSalary}"/>