In using XamDataGrid CurrencyField the data is bound to a decimal value. The data is negative. This column also has a SummaryDefinition. The data is set up so only one row is displayed by the XamDataGrid.
<igWpf:SummaryDefinition SourceFieldName="AgencyTransactionsGrossNsfsAmount" Calculator="Sum" StringFormat="{}Sum = {0:C}" />
<igWpf:CurrencyField Row="2" Column="4" Name="AgencyTransactionsGrossNsfsAmount" Label="NSFs" />
The Sum is displayed Sum = ($7.00)
The cell value is displayed $-7.00 -- I want the cell value to be displayed like the Sum Value ($7.00)
A CurrencyEditor was defined:
<igWpf:CurrencyField Row="2" Column="4" Name="AgencyTransactionsGrossNsfsAmount" Label="NSFs" >
<igWpf:FieldSettings EditorType="{x:Type igEditors:XamCurrencyEditor}">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:XamCurrencyEditor}">
<Setter Property="ValueType" Value="{x:Type sys:Decimal}"/>
<Setter Property="NullText" Value="No Amount"/>
<Setter Property="Mask" Value="{}{currency:7.2}"/>
No the Sum is displayed Sum = ($7.00)
the cell value is displayed No Amount
Why would it think the data value is null in the cell but knows the value in the sum?
What went wrong?
I found the issue. All I did was add Format="$###,##0.00;($###,##0.00)" and got rid of the editor settings.