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XamComboEditor to bind multiple lists to same control in the program ?

Hi ,

I am really new to WPF infragistics. I have an XamComboEditor that needs to have one out of 4 different lists as its ItemsSource based on a user event . Initially in the constructor of my code behind , I am setting the ItemsSource to one of the 4 lists right after InitializeComponent.

When I run the app , it adds 1,2,3... numbers to my XamComboEditor instead of the List I porvided.

Could you help me do this ? Is there any setting I need to override .


<ig:XamComboEditor ItemsSource="{Binding Attributes}" AllowMultipleSelection="True" CheckBoxVisibility="Visible" Name="XamComboEditor" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="559,241,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="171"/>

I should not want to set ItemsSource in XAMl since I will keep changing it based on user selection.

My code behind  constructor:

public MainWindow()
List<string> Attributes =new List<string> // one of the 4 lists
"Formation Types",
"Fluid Types",
"Drive Mechanisms",
"EOR Processes"


XamComboEditor.ItemsSource = Attributes;


On debugging I found that it sets up the item source all right. but later on it gets overriden by numbers , which I couldn't track where it got those from.

