When I set the Extend property of a CategoryDateTimeXAxis to zero, the initial display of the graph fails to show the tick mark labels until
xAxis.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0);
xAxis.LabelSettings.Extent = 0;
This is for a 24 hour period of time. The initial graph (not maximized) looks like this:
When I re-size the window, the x-axis labels are displayed:
Any idea what I can do to ensure the X-Axis labels will show the first time the graph is displayed?
Ah. That makes sense and it is something I didn't think of. Thanks for getting back to me and letting me know!
Glad you were able to figure out what was going on.
Thanks Rob, I think my problem was specifying too many x-axis tick intervals for the physical window to display that resulted in them overlapping each other and just displaying one or two pixel fragments of each.
Hi Gary,
Thanks, a sample would definitely be helpful. If you are having issues uploading your screenshots you can trying using a service like Imgur to upload your screenshots. You can then just provide me with the links so I can go and view them.
I tried posting more screenshots but it seems those did not upload as well. I will take another look at this and see if I can produce an example. Thanks!
I can't see any of your screenshots for some reason. Can you try attaching them as a zip file instead?
Setting the Extent to 0 basically hides them and this is expected. It's actually kind of weird that resizing the window causes them to display. If you want to show the labels I wouldn't bother setting the Extent property.