It would be very helpful to add an EditorComponent property to the UltraCombo and UltraComboEditor controls when the control's DropDownStyle property is set to DropDown (i.e. where the user can enter/paste text directly into the control's underlying Textbox).
I have a form that has a number of UltraComboEditor controls, each of which has a list of percentages the user can choose from. The user can also type a percentage NOT in the list into the UltraComboEditor's underlying Textbox (as the control's DropDownStyle is set to DropDown).
Currently, I have to put code in the UltraComboEditor's KeyPress() event to prevent the user from entering/pasting invalid text into the control's underlying Textbox. Furthermore, I have to add code to the control's Leave() event to format the text the user entered into the Textbox, simulating the FormatString property (so it displays as 98.5% in the UltraComboEditor's underlying Textbox when they enter 0.985).
Having an EditorComponent property on the UltraCombo and UltraComboEditor controls that would apply to the control's underlying Textbox, we could add a hidden UltraNumericEditor control to the form and set its MinValue, MaxValue, FormatStyle and MaskInput properties to control all aspects of what the user types into the UltraCombo/UltraComboEditor's underlying Textbox (and how it's displayed).