We want to keep track of changes made to the XamSpreadsheet-data to enable an external save button if necessary.
That includes the following ways to change data:
- Manual changes from the user
- Changes via the Context Menu
- Changes via shortcuts (clipboard with one or multiple cells)
Currently there is no singular event to support this requirement. Keeping track of the changes is currently (to my knowledge) possible in two ways:
- Convert the data and compare the raw values for any changes (which is expensive for larger Spreadsheets).
- Use the existing events:
- EditmodeExiting-Event
- and CommandExecuting-Event
- Get new value from Clipboard and parse it to match the cells (for paste event)
- check against current values if data gets changed through the action.
We suggest an event that gets triggered when data or format changes in the Spreadsheet containing the changed cells including previous and current value as well as address of cell. This also should be capable to deal with ranges so only 1 event received for paste on multiple cells is used.
For use this is more a bug than a feature since save button state cannot be determined with existing implementation or have to use events which are triggered very often (with scrolling) which results in slow performance of big files due comparison detection in our code.