• Using two-way binding in xamWebMap

    This snippet demonstrates how you can use the map controls ValueTemplate to allow end users to modify map element values using two-way binding.


    <igMap:XamWebMap x:Name="MyMap">
        <igMap:MapLayer FillMode="Chloropleth" IsSensitive="False">
              <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                <Slider Width="100" Minimum…
    • Mon, Mar 2 2009
  • Create an LED-style for xamWebSegmentedDisplay

    The following sample shows how to use a ControlTemplate to change the style of the xamWebSegmentedDisplay control to an LED style display:


    <igGauge:XamWebSegmentedDisplay Text="1234567890" Digits="10"
          SegmentMode="SevenSegment" TextForeground="#FFFF3A00"
          TextForegroundUnlit="#FF353232" Background="#FF000000"
          Height="100" Width="500">
    • Sat, Feb 28 2009
  • Custom Chart Data Point Templates

    Here is an example of creating custom data point templates in a bubble chart.  Data point templates allow you to provide custom UI for data points in a series.  In this snippet, separate custom Data point templates are created for each of the three series included in the Bubble chart.


    <igChart:XamWebChart Margin="5" Background="AliceBlue">
        <igChart:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX" AutoRange…
    • Sat, Feb 28 2009