• Re: Column and Row collection withing WebDataGrid

    Hi jignesh352,

    The WebDataGrid has its classes defined in the Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls namespace.  Not off of WebDataGrid.    Rows in the WebDataGrid are GridRecord and in the WebHierarchicalDataGrid they are ContainerGridRecord.  Columns are ControlDataField…

  • Re: Webdatagrid

    The function InitGrid which is given in  ClientEvents Initialize of Webdatagrid fires when the page loads as well as when rows are added to the webdatagrid.

    However after enabling BatchUpdating in webdatagrid the function Initgrid is fired on pageload…

  • WebDataGrid automatically set visibility:hidden on refreshing browser with F5

    We used WebDataGrid to show Data on our webpage and got some strange problem with WebDataGrid. If we hit F5 to refresh browser, the WebDataGrid set the visibility to hidden automatically.

    <div id="BODYCTL_WebDataGrid1" class="ig_Control igg_Control" style…

  • Re: Setting Height of a WebDataGrid to auto-fit visible portion of display

    What about a webdatagrid that is located in a webtab page?  And the webdatagrid is loaded from a seperate ASPX page via the ContentURL parameter?

    So you have 

    <ig:webtab ...>

         <ig:ContentTabItem ..... ContentURL="page1.aspx"></ig:ContentWebTabItem…

  • How can i add new empty row at the end of the webdatagrid


    iam autogenerating the columns in the webdatagrid and want to add a new empty row in the WebDatagrid with server side by pressing a button.

    The new row should  be added at the bottom of the WebDatagrid .

  • Webgridview without InitializeLayout??

    Hi, i currently use ultrawebgrid, i began to develop wiht webdatagrid but i can´t  find the InitializeLayout.  How to initilize a webdatagrid??  if I use datatable How to save a new row in webdatagrid??





  • Re: WebGrid Display Layout missing

    These are two different controls: The UltraWebGrid and the WebDataGrid.

    The UltraWebGrid is the old WebUI control, while the WebDataGrid is the newer Web.UI control. Is it possible that you wanted to use WebDataGrid and instead you're using UltraWebGrid…

  • Re: Cannot get Control ID of textbox inside of WebTab

    this seems to be a similar problem i have with trying to use a Webdatagrid thats in a WebTab as a trigger for an update panel. I get a message saying it can find the webdatagrid.  Is there a way for triggers to see webdatagrid(or any control) that is inside…

  • InitializeLayoutEventHandler equivalent in WebDataGrid

    We are upgrading from UltraWebGrid to WebDataGrid, and has not been easy.

    The UltraWebGrid has a 'InitializeLayoutEventHandler ' but I can't find the equivalent for this in the WebDataGrid.

    What is the equivalent to  'InitializeLayoutEventHandler…

  • WebExcelExporter - Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    I'm try to export a webdatagrid using the excel exporter and get an error on this line:




    Error Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


    Stack Trace:    at Infragistics…