• How to set the selection when using filtering?

    I'm using the webdatagrid from Infragistics45.Web.v16.1, Version=16.1.20161.2117. The grid has filtering enabled.

    The problem with this is when the user select Filter. The WebDataGrid.Behaviors.Selection.SelectedRows.Count has the right count of selected…

  • InitializeDataSourceEventHandler need to use in webdatagrid

    Hi All,

    I am upgrading UltraWebGrid to webdatagrid so I wanted to know how I can replace InitializeDataSourceEventHandler  with webdatagrid.

    Please provide me the solution on this.


    Mahesh Pol

  • In a WebDataGrid with an UnboundCheckBoxField, how to hook a callback to the "checkbox clicked" event programmatically?

    I have a WebDataGrid to which I added an UnboundCheckBoxField.

    Now I want to handle the "checkbox clicked" event on he client side. How to configure that programmatically?

    I saw the example at "https://ko.infragistics.com/help/aspnet/webdatagrid…

  • WebDataGrid Grouping

    How to group the rows in WebDatagrid?


  • webdatagrid is empty after postback

    Why webdatagrid is empty after postback?

    <aspigtbl:WebDataGrid ID="ultraWebGrid" ShowFooter="false" runat="server" Width="98%"
    EnableDataViewState="true" ItemCssClass="igg_cb_Item" DataMember="Subscription">…

  • Re: WebDataTree - how to Check/UnCheck child nodes when parent nodes are checked/unchecked

    That is for a WebhierarchicalDataGrid  not webdatagrid

    this script doesn't work.

  • what is the function :getTitleModeResolved in webdatagrid of javascript ?

    what is the function :getTitleModeResolved  in webdatagrid of javascript

  • Re: Adding a new row to webdatagrid with template included

    Have moved this thread to the WebDataGrid forum

  • WebDataGrid client side CRUD functionality.

    WebDataGrid client side CRUD functionality.

  • Unbound Columns

    How to create Unbound Columns in Webdatagrid?