• Why dont I have the WebDataGrid DLL?

     I am trying to use the WebDataGrid control in dev studio.  I can drag the control onto the page and set it up but when I compile it fails.

    The type 'System.Web.UI.IScriptControl' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference…

  • Re: WHDG and Multi Column

    Hi Dave,

    Acutally I'm using the WebHierarchicalDataGrid, but the sample Code is from the WebDataGrid.
    Could you tell me when the resizing functionality will be officialy supported in WHDG?

    The above described issue is from WebDataGrid. I will post…

  • Re: Browser Compatibilty UltraWebgrid

    Hi Jurgen,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I am not sure I fully understand your requirement, however if you are having issues with setting updating with WebDataGrid I would suggest that you take a look at the videos linked at the following blog:


  • Using Ajax along with Infragistics webdatagrid

    Hi ,

    I am new to .NET and Infagristics

    I use Infragistics webdatagrid control,

    On hit of a button click I perform some actions in the code behind, after which the the page refreshes and the infragistics webdatagrid loads with the changes performed…

  • webdatagrid error on rebinding


    Hi all,

    I have a webdatagrid inside a webdialogwindow which is bound to a ObjectDataSource.

    when I rebind the webdatagrid I get the following error:



    "Rows must have unique DataKeys. This key appears more than once: " + …

  • can we edit single row in webdatagrid

    I have the following requirement in  my project

    Requirement 1:

    On external button click we are adding a new row in webdatagrid and we are able to add the row successfully using JavaScript.

    But our requirement is to make added row editable not the entire…

  • webdatagrid itemcommand event not firing

    I'm trying replace a Microsoft DataGrid with the WebDataGrid. Application is to use the selected row (selectedvalue) to databind a sqldatasource bound to a DetailsView control. This works fine but I want to use all Infragistics controls for a uniform…

  • Webdropdown - SelectionChanged event is not firing on clientside

    Hi All,

    I am using webdropdown of version 10.2 in my current project.  I have a WebDataGrid inside webdropdown's itemTemplate.  This webdropdown has 2 clientside events (ValueChanged,SelectionChanged).  The valuechanged event is working fine but selectionchanged…

  • WebDataGrid Dropdowns not updating display values when changing pages.


    I have a WebDropDown in a TemplateDataField that contains one or more values.  The values of the DropDown are gathered and added in the webdatagrid InitializeRow event.  The data in the DropDowns is fine, and it displays properly on the first page…

  • webdatagrid and asp.net

    I am new to infragistics and I think i have a pretty basic question....

    I am using VS 2008 and NetAdvantage 12.2 CLR3.x

    I have a web page with two webdatagrids

    The first webdatagrid is bound to a sqldata control

    I can set this up fine and I created…