• Re: Using own ajax script

    Put the UltraChart in a WebAsyncRefreshPanel, and check the docs for WebDataGrid's AJAX features or ask about it on the WebDataGrid forums.

  • Row number

    How I can add row number to the table in WebDataGrid? Does WebDataGrid has auto increment?

  • Method to get the row index

    Hi all,


    Is there a way to get the selected row index of the webdatagrid on the serverside button event

    which is inside the templatedatafield of the webdatagrid.



  • Re: Javascript functions not found.

    The function igtbl_getGridById() is used to find a WebGrid on a form, not a WebDataGrid.

    For WebDataGrid, use this syntax instead:
    var grid = $find("<%= WebDataGrid1.ClientID %>");

  • Re: WebDataGrid in WebDropDown not getting focus/hover

    Er..,  no good. That changes the hover on other webdatagrids that are placed directly on the page, but makes no difference to the webdatagrid in the webdropdown's item template. 

  • Re: WebDataGrid CustomPaging by PagerTemplate

    The pager never changes if the webdatagrid has filtering enabled.

    How to set the  "this._customPager.SetContext" if the webdatagrid has filtering enabled?

  • Re: How to get a WebDataGrid cell value in DropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged event?

    What do I use in WebDataGrid for grid row instead of  UltraGridRow?  I looked in to 



    WebDataGrid, but didn't find it.  Thanks.

  • Re: WebExplorerBar - control.repaint

    Hi Petar,


    Please find an example of the js attached.



  • WebDataGrid automatically insert new rows


    I attached my example to this post.

    The summary of this example can be describing by follow steps:

    1. Create a WebDataGrid with 3 DropDownProviders

    2. Bind data to 3 DropDownProviders and WebDataGrid

    3. Every time user exit edit mode of cell…

  • Re: Row Edit Template combined with Add New Row ?


    I have a webdatagrid with add new row enabled. I now am able to use my editrowtemplate to add new row with few javascript.

    My prob is i have one ready only column(dropdownlist). and when i try to add new row on templateclose it is giving some object…