• Re: JavaScript Alert in not working in _RowUpdating event

    Thanks for you reply.

    We have two more queries related to WebDataGrid

    1. We required Filter functionality for WebDataGrid.

    2. Deletion of Multiple Record on Multiple Selection

    1. We required Filter functionality for WebDataGrid.

     Actually we have…

  • Re: WebCombo is to be replaced by WebDropDown to make it IE 9 - 11 and Chrome compatible. But it is not available in existing Infragistics35.Web.v10.3, Version=10.3.20103.1013. Please help.

    Hello Madhuchhanda Roy,

    After reviewing the details you've provided, it appears to me that you're trying to implement a custom approach for obtaining Lazy Loading on the WebDropDown. Lazy Loading is a built in feature of the WebDropDown, however…

  • WebDataGrid using SqlDataSource with FilterExpression always shows no results.

    I am new to the WebDataGrid but am migrating an old asp.net 2.0 site to asp.net 4.0 and decided to use the WebDataGrid and WebTabs to replace the standard ASP components. I also decided to use FilterExpressions with this implementation. The webdatagrid…

  • Query related to arranging columns order in WebDataGrid

    hi Team,

    I am using WebDataGrid in my Asp.Net project for displaying backend database records on UI grid.

    this WebDataGrid commes under Namespace - > Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls WeDataGrid

    Version - > 19.1.20191.115

    To arranging the columns…

  • Re: WebDataGrid: Add row without inserting to data source or enabling editing mode

    Hi bmv,

    Thank you for your replies.

    Please note that when batch updating is enabled, the newly added rows will be inserted in the datasource on the next postback. The newly added rows can be selected in WebDataGrid, however by default the selection…

  • Webdatagrid Sorting + Unboundcheckboxfield not working together


    I have Webdatagrid in my project. I have used Unboundcheckboxfield and Sorting in webdatagrid. I have set EnableDataViewState to true and bound webdatagrid with datasource on everypost back. When i select multiple checkbox one by one then they are…

  • WebDatagrid reading DataSource through code

    I am new to WebDataGrid and having folllowing doubt

    In earlier version we uset to set and get the value from UltraWebGrid:

    public EMContainer.SelectEMInvoiceDetailForRechargeDataTable EMInvoice

  • Re: Multi Row column Headers in web data grid (ColumnSets)

    Hello Muhammad,

    Thank you for submitting your request to the Infragistics ASP.Net Forums.  In regards to your inquiry, which Infragistics ASP grid are you referring to, the classic ASP UltraWebGrid or the Aikido WebDataGrid?

    The classic UltraWebGrid…

  • Re: To Print the Webdatagrid data

    Hi Datta,

    UltraGridPrintDocument is a Windows Forms control. We do not have a similar control in ASP.Net. The alternative way to print a WebDataGrid is to export the grid data to Excel or PDF and then print it.

    In the next release 10.2 we are releasing…

  • WebDataGrid Partial Data Binding.

    I am currently using a WebDataGrid to display a DataTable of items. I am attempting to correct a performace issue for a large number of records by implementing partial binding on the WebDataGrid. I have pagination setup but the grid still can't seem to…