• Populating the data without postback/page refresh

    Hi There,

               I am using Webdatagrid and in that I wanted to populate the items without page refresh. Initially I will load the data (folders information from server) to the webdatagrid in page_load event() and for further click in any of the folder name (grid…

  • Re: Sorting on WebDataGrid with Editor Provider

    Hello ***,

    Thank you for submitting your inquiry to the Infragistics ASP.Net forums.  The functionality of sorting an EditorProvider when used in the WebDataGrid is in the works and will be available sometime in a future release of our controls.  The WebDataGrid…

  • ASP.NET WebDataGrid Paging Not Working on Server by Using Internet Explorer


    I'm using Infragistics NetAdvantage 11.2 ASP.NET CLR4x WebDataGrid component (Version: 11.2.20112.1019) on an ASP.NET web application created in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional by using C# programming language. The WebDataGrid DataSource…

  • Client Side CRUD Operations on WebDataGrid - Confirmation on the approach is needed

    We are trying CRUD operations on the webdatagrid on client side to avoid postback during operations.  We got some solution through Infragistics forum. Now we just want to confirm with you that the approach we are planning to implement is the correct approach…

  • Slide to the Left, Slide to the right !

    Hello I do the following:

    1.       I have a WebDialogWindow.

    2.       In the WebDialogWindow resides a WebDataGrid.

    3.       I load a dataset into a WebDatagrid and remove the hidden status.

    The WebDatagrid has more columns then the width of the WebDialogWindow. I…
  • Re: how to set border of specific column header

    Hi rtutus,

    The styling of WebDataGrid's headers is applied by the .igg_Header CSS class. Therefore, in order to apply custom header borders for some of your columns you need to define a class:






    .igg_Header {
    border-right: solid

  • Webdatagrid does not show

    I've finished developing a web app with webdatagrid control, and after deploying the project on my client server, the webdatagrid does not show. In truth, the webdatagrid is there, it's just hidden, and I don't know why.

    This was a clean…

  • Re: Unselect rows


    Thanks for the reply.  Yes, I stumbled upon the intellisense yesterday - it is very cool.  However, I think the documentation on the online help is very lacking.  Maybe this is because the recommendation to use the intellisense? 

    For example, here…

  • WebDataGrid (Opening RowEditingTemplate) is firing the ASP.net Validation Controls


    I have a web page consists of editing controls (textboxs, WebCurrencyEdit, WebNumericEdit, WebPercentEdit etc..) + regular asp.net validation controls  + WebDataGrid which contains a RowEditingTemplate.

    the problem is when i press on the WebDataGrid…

  • WebDropDown with (template) WebDataGrid Style Sheet Changes

    I have website comprising of master/content pages, and have implemented a WebDropDown with a multicolumn WebDataGrid template on a content page.  I am also using Application Styling throughout my website.

    What is the best way to implement the style sheet…