• Fireworks and XAML - Brought Together by Infragistics

    Grant Hinkson, visual design guru at Infragistics, recently published an article about creating his Fireworks to XAML exporter tool on Adobe.com.  The article introduces the tool by illuminating the process for extending Fireworks and offering best practices for such endeavors.  For anyone yearning to know more about extending Fireworks, it is a good read.

    You can download the exporter itself from the article, but you…

    • Fri, Dec 1 2006
  • Best Thoughts on SOA

    I finally got a chance to start looking at the blog posts that have been piling up in my Newsgator for a few months now, and I was pleasantly surprised by probably the best thoughts on SOA I've seen in a long time.  I'm really glad that Rocky's fighting the good fight on this one, and he's been consistent, too.  Another, more thorough commentary on the subject is provided by a good friend of mine, Tom…

    • Wed, Nov 15 2006
  • New Jersey CodeCamp III - This Weekend!

    I was just reminded by our local Dev Evangelist, Peter Laudati, that we've got our third NJ CodeCamp coming up this weekend.  Code camps are a fun way to get to know other local devs, learn some cool stuff, and generally get at least a free lunch!  So you should go!

    • Mon, Nov 13 2006
  • Infragistics Highlighted at TechEd Europe 2006

    As part of the .NET 3.0 release announcement at TechEd Europe, Microsoft partnered with Infragistics to help show off the power of the WPF platform.  Leveraging the WPF-based DataPresenter control in his keynote demos, Eric Rudder, Senior Vice President of Technical Strategy for Microsoft, demonstrated how applications can now be created that provide rich interactive and immersive experiences and how Infragistics is leveraging…
    • Sat, Nov 11 2006
  • Got ASP.NET AJAX? Get ASP.NET AJAX for NetAdvantage!

    So Infragistics had a pretty cool release today, if I do say so myself.  We've released a beta patch for our NetAdvantage for ASP.NET product that supports Microsoft's ASP.NET AJAX Beta 1 and Beta 2. 

    Support Details

    • Our controls will register themselves with the UpdatePanel to ensure proper operation within it.
    • Our Javascript Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) continues to work alongside the Microsoft AJAX Library…
    • Sat, Nov 11 2006
  • Find the Help You're Looking For

    One of the features of the new Infragistics.com web site is the "control help center."  To get an idea of what this is, take a look at the WebGrid Help Center.  If you're looking for help for a specific control, its help center is a great place to start as it links to the developer's guide for the control, the most closely-related forum, and KB articles.  We've also got links from there to request developer…

    • Fri, Nov 3 2006
  • How We Use Our Stuff on IG.com Vol. 1

    I've been quiet for some time because I've been trying to get the new web site out the door.  Now that it's been released, I can take some time to just kick back, relax, and take a break.  NOT!  One thing I love about this place is that we're always on the move; we don't rest on our laurels, etc. :)  So I'm on to new things, and one of those things is the chance to blog a bit here and there. 

    My first…

    • Tue, Oct 31 2006
  • Strongly-Typed Profiles in Web Application Projects (WAP)

    I just want to spread the word about a little utiltiy on gotdotnet that generates a strongly-typed profile for WAPs.  It's not the easiest thing to come across:


    Note that the profile goo in 2.0 should just work, even with WAPs.  This just gives you a better design-time experience.

    • Wed, Sep 6 2006
  • Web Dev with IE

    Everybody who has done any cross-browser web development is aware of the many quirks of IE6, so it is good to read, as Scott points out, that the IE team is addressing many of them with IE7.  While it isn't 100% yet, I've noticed that more often than not, if you get it right in Firefox, it looks right in IE7 and vice-versa.  That certainly cannot be said of IE6.

    And on that note, I'd like to draw more attention to…

    • Wed, Aug 23 2006
  • Output Caching Profiles and Custom Caching

    Here's a quick tip for something pretty neat in ASP.NET 2.0.  You can specify output cache profiles in the application configuration like so (this is under the system.web configuration section):


    <outputCache enableOutputCache="true" />
    add name="StandardPages" duration="300" varyByCustom="browser;cu…
    • Fri, Aug 18 2006
  • Live from Redmond Series 2 from the .NET FX Product Teams

    I've recently been informed that "the .NET Framework groups are offering another series of Live Meeting presentations called “Live from Redmond”. These talks are given by product team members, so it’s content directly from the program managers and developers on the team. The feedback from the first series that was done in partnership with INETA was overwhelmingly positive so Microsoft has decided to offer another…
    • Fri, Jul 21 2006
  • The Cat's Out of the Box: The ASP.NET Sand Box

    For some, this may be old news, but I was just visiting again today, and I thought this is something that more people should know about.  So in case you haven't heard, the ASP.NET teams have put up a little section on asp.net to host side projects that they're working on; they call it the sand box.  Right now, they have 10 projects up there, including the famed "Atlas."

    There are a number of other tantalizing…
    • Tue, Jun 27 2006
  • NJ.NET User Group Meeting TONIGHT!

    Come see .NET guru Bill Wolff tonight as he presents on SQL Reporting Services for the central New Jersey user group!

    6:15 - 6:30pm - Pizza
    6:30 - 6:45pm - Intro, Announcements
    6:45 - 8:15pm - Main Speaker
    8:15 - 8:30pm - Raffle

    For Directions

    Check out NJ.NET for more info and to sign up for future meeting notices.

    See you tonight!
    • Thu, Jun 22 2006
  • TechEd 2006 a Success!

    It seems that Microsoft's TechEd 2006 that occurred last week in Boston was a big success.  I know that I had a good time meeting so many of you throughout the week.  Infragistics sent two speakers to TechEd: noted INETA speaker and Infragistics' chief evangelist, Jason Beres, as well as myself.  Jason spoke on "Creating a Baseline Architecture for Smart Client Applications," and I presented "Accelerating Web Application…

    • Mon, Jun 19 2006
  • Wassup! (or "Why this Blog Exists" and "Who Are You Anyways?")

    Some folks might know me as the dotNetTemplar, where I've had my personal and .NET blog for some time now.  That blog will continue to host my personal musings as well as technical ones as it has thus far.  This blog here at Infragistics is to provide you with a more focused opus that corresponds to my new role here as the Codemunicator.  Here I'll focus chiefly on .NET, Java, and other software development-oriente…

    • Mon, Jun 5 2006