Celebrating Women Who Have Broken Barriers

Casey McGuigan / Monday, March 23, 2020

In Celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day 2020

With the recent passing of Katherine Johnson, those of us who work in science, technology and math lost a true hero. As we celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, it is important to take time to both look back at the people who have paved the way for women to be recognized as equals and look ahead with the women who are currently helping lead the way forward.

Throughout this month, we will be sharing thoughts and stories from women from across our organization. Our goal is to help drive a discussion and see how we can all continue to build a more diverse and equitable industry and society. We invite all of our employees, customers, partners and friends to join us and share your own stories and thoughts.

To get started, we wanted to share some thoughts from our team on the women who have and continue to inspire them:

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart 

“She paved the way for women to feel empowered. She encouraged women to reject social norms and to pursue opportunities that seemed beyond reach. I admire the strength and determination she had, setting herself apart to follow her passion and dreams.”

Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson

“Mathematician, computer, and aerospace technologist. Her work with NASA ensured the safety of our astronauts and the success of our early space program. Her story has inspired millions or people around the world.”

Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper

“A pioneer of computer programming and a rear admiral in the United States Navy, she has been an inspiration to millions of women in technology. Her work and leadership led to the development of COBOL.”

Carol Shaw

Carol Shaw

“One of the first video game designers, she was part of the team at Atari. Her work impacted the childhoods of millions of people who have gone on to work in gaming and technology.”

Greta Thurnberg

Greta Thurnberg

“At a time when environmental issues are coming to the forefront, this young woman is fearlessly speaking out and providing leadership. She has not only inspired millions of people, but has also helped drive more discussion around environmental issues.”

Marie Curie

Marie Curie 

“She was a woman scientist in a man’s world. However, this does not stop her to be a pioneer in the field of radioactivity. Her passion for science changed the world and brought her the first Nobel price ever praised to women."

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

"Oprah is a professional powerhouse because she came from nothing and built an empire. She is an inspiration, and I learned a lot at her Vision 2020 Tour when she was in Brooklyn last month. "I can. I will. Watch me!"

Carli Lloyd

Carli Lloyd

"Someone that I have looked up to for years is actually Carli Lloyd...The athletic mind set is something that I have brought with me into my professional career...the work ethic and determination to succeed."

Stay tuned to this space as we'll be posting future blogs on the thoughts and achievements of the women at Infragistics who contribute to our success everyday.