Delivering Value in the Modern Web Era (Infragistics Podcast Ep. 1)

Infragistics Team / Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Update: The Infragistics Podcast has been discontinued.

Infragistics is excited to announce The Infragistics Podcast, where every week we’ll be talking with Infragistics experts and industry influencers about development tools and strategy, UX, and productivity. Be sure to listen and subscribe in the places you’d expect:

Jason Beres (Senior VP of Developer Tools) and James Bender (Product Manager for Ignite UI for JavaScript/HTML5 and ASP.NET MVC, as well Microsoft MVP) get together in this first episode of the new Infragistics Podcast.

The conversation revolves developing value in the “modern web era.” Jason and James talk about what value means, how developing for the modern web is different, and how JavaScript — and Ignite UI for JavaScript/HTML5 (download a free trial here) —has changed the developer landscape.

How is developing for the modern web different?

“Today, if you go a website on your tablet or phone and it's not response, you discard that vendor immediately. — Jason Beres

James and Jason talk about the evolution of JavaScript in development — from humble method of interacting with a web browser to its current prominence in developing web apps.

They discuss user expectations and how make apps responsive, consistent across devices, including desktop and mobile views.

Churn, Churn, Churn

"JavaScript was this open frontier where everyone could do what they wanted, and they made framework after framework."

- James Bender

With the rapid evolution of capability and and breakneck pace of framework iterations…comes churn.

This only appears to be the beginning, with React and other frameworks gaining traction every day. There are also countless numbers of supporting frameworks that add to the churn. Jason and James discuss this, along with the solutions Infragistics provides to help developers cope with this churn, including Ignite UI for Angular and Ignite UI for JavaScript.

If you are focused on delivering great value in your web apps, this first episode of the Infragistics Podcast is a must-listen.  Subscribe on iTunes (please rate and review), Google Play, or via RSS feed, or just download it direct. And be sure to spread the word; we’ll have more great episodes coming every week.