ReportPlus Desktop Release Notes – Volume Release

Mobile Man / Wednesday, August 16, 2017

ReportPlus Desktop Version is now available:


  • Default formatting settings
  • Sorting in view mode for grid visualization

Fixed issues:

  • Local filters changes are now tracked so the user is prompted to save the dashboard
  • What-if filters now work as expected when used against SASS data source
  • A user can drill up to higher level from the drill level that was set when saving the dashboard
  • Widget data is now refreshed upon changing post calculated field expression
  • Dashboard with Google Analytics and parameters binding is displaying the correct data now
  • The data of a widget that was saved with an Ad-Hoc hierarchy and expanded rows is loaded correctly
  • No error when changing a tabular data source
  • Chart legend text is no longer cropped for multiline series titles
  • The format label for a Time-typed field reads Time format in the field editor
  • Negative parenthesis-formatted values are now displayed correctly when the NumberFormat value is Percentage
  • Grid Visualization memory usage optimizations
  • Text Alignment options no longer disappear when opening another field editor
  • Drill down/up on date field works as expected when connected to MSSQL server version 2005
  • Salesforce provider is updated to reflect the changed policies of the Salesforce API
  • “View Data” option is now available for a SSAS grid or tabular grid with summarizations in widget maximized mode
  • The max cells limit is now honored when fetching data in a flat data scenario
  • Several Japanese localization issues resolved