What’s New in Test Automation for Windows Forms 2017.1

Michael Germann / Thursday, August 3, 2017

The primary focus of Infragistics Test Automation for HP UFT and IBM RFT is to offer you peace of mind, so that when you develop with our controls, your teams can seamlessly implement automated testing of the user interface (UI) and confidently produce higher-quality releases. Infragistics test automation tools currently support our Ultimate UI for Windows Forms controls with HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) and IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT).  We also support our Ultimate UI for WPF controls with HP UFT. 

Since Test Automation’s purpose is to automate UI tests of applications using Infragistics controls, we’ll start with the new controls in Ultimate UI for Windows Forms that you will want to explore and test. We'll follow with changes in existing controls that affect how the UI behaves.  

New Controls Supported by Test Automation 

Ultra Radio Button 

We have added a new control to the Ultimate UI for Windows Forms suite of controls: Ultra Radio Button. This is a selectable button linked to other radio buttons in a group. Its defining characteristic is that only one radio button within a group may be checked at one time, so when a radio button is selected, all others within the group become deselected. This is useful in scenarios where a choice must be made between mutually exclusive options. 

Windows Forms Ultra Radio Button Control 

Peek Pop-up  

Originally only available as an extension of the Outlook Navigation Bar, the Peek Pop-up control is now available in Ultimate UI for Windows Forms as a standalone drop-down control to offer a more modern user experience. 

 Windows Forms Peek Pop-up Button Control

Infragistics Controls with UI-Altering Improvements 

Notification Badges 

Notification Badges allow you to notify your users about important events that require their attention. As such, we’ve added the ability in TesAutomation to retrieve this new custom data so that you can verify the state of your control. This feature, previously exclusive to Win Toolbars Manager, now is supported in the following controls: 

  • WinTree 

  • WinTab and WinTabStrip 

  • WinStatusBar 

  • WinListView 

  • WinExplorerBar 


Windows Forms Notification Badges


WinGrid Editable Column Headers 

Enabling the Editable Headers feature allows users to modify column, group, and band caption of the headers on the WinGrid. When enabled, users can edit a header by double-clicking it or by taking any other action specified by the developer. 

 Windows Forms Editable Column Headers


We hope that this overview of the changes to Infragistics Test Automation tools will help you effectively test your applications that use Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF and Ultimate UI for Windows Forms controls.  If you have ideas about new features and controls that you would like to see in this product, please let us know by posting them on our Product Ideas website. Try Ultimate UI for Windows Forms today for free by downloading the trial version now. And be sure to follow and engage with us on Twitter via @infragistics. Connect with our various teams via our Community Forums where you can interact with Infragistics engineers and other customers. 

Download the free trial of Test Automation HP UFT: Windows Forms 17.1 

Download the free trial of Test Automation HP UFT: WPF for HP 17.1 

Download the free trial of Test Automation IBM RFT: Windows Forms 17.1 

Voice your suggestions today, for the products of tomorrow  