The Hidden AJAX Framework

[Infragistics] Jess Chadwick / Monday, August 11, 2008

NetAdvantage for JSF contains a robust AJAX framework that is separate, more or less, from our JSF components. In the past, we have not talked about the framework because our focus has been on components with "no code" AJAX. In the past few months though, we've seen quite a few customer requests that require the use of the framework above and beyond what's supported by such "no code" features as smartRefreshIds.

So, we've begun to feature samples that show off the use of the AJAX framework inside NetAdvantage.

To see these, go to and click on the "Online Demo" link on  the left-hand-side of the page. When the page changes, you can mouse over the "AJAX" tab, and you'll see a collection of links that demonstrate the framework.