Infragistics Friends Group Presentation: Building your first Analysis Services solution - Event Recap and Follow-up

[Infragistics] Mihail Mateev / Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Infragistics Friends group, BI & .NET Geeks (Bulgarian PASS Chapter) with the help of Infragistics Inc.  organized a presentation on “Building your first Analysis Services solution” . From 14th of January 2013 our group is an official PASS Chapter in Bulgaria under the name BI &. NET Geeks and we try to provide more BI and data visualization related content.

The event was held on Tuesday, February 11 at Infragistics Bulgaria Office, 110B, Simeonovsko Shosse Bul., Sofia, Bulgaria.

This presentation was a practical session about SQL Server Analysis Services. Attendees learned how to build their first Analysis Services cube. This case is important for many BI systems and all kind of software that use multi-dimensional data. There were demonstrated the best practices how to build and use sol this cube in the easiest way.
Speaker will be Ivan Donev - SQL Server Solution Designer and DBA for Hewlett-Packard. He is also and SQL Server trainer,and holds certifications in several different SQL Server areas - development, business intelligence, database administration. He is also a certified trainer, active blogger and leader of



In connection with the topic of the presentation was great interest in Infragistics self service BI mobile client – ReportPlus.


The participants demonstrated great interest in the subject and we plan to have two more presentations related to SQL Server Analysis Services this year:

- Advanced  SASS (SQL Server  Analysis Services) tips & tricks

- Practical Olap Data for developers


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