Has Infragistics ever considered putting up a forum (or other resource) where Infragistics developers and companies looking for Infragistics developers could find each other?
Yes. I take it you feel this would be a valuable resource?
Ambrose Little "] Yes. I take it you feel this would be a valuable resource?
I'd use it. (Next month. ;-) But with all the job sites out there, and all the recruiters doing buzz-word searches, I'm not sure how much it would add to the mix.
As a recruiter, I would definitely use it.
One thing that would come in very handy would be a page that lists the most active or most highly-rated forum users.
If there is one, I've missed it.
WombatEd said:But with all the job sites out there, and all the recruiters doing buzz-word searches, I'm not sure how much it would add to the mix.
That was my thinking, too.