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30 Day Web Based Outlook 2007 Challenge (Day 1)

So 5 Hours later I have my little test up at keep in mind it has only been 5 hours so the site is basicly to get the general thought process down and is in no way optimized and probally only works in IE 7...

The only thing that is bound to the database right now is just the grid and that is only to pull some random data into the email list...

For those of you just tuning in...
You can read the thread that spawned this healthy challenge here:

DISCLAIMER: As I don't want to eat a humble pie although I am sure Cedric and Michael are finding the juiciest one they can :)
The link above is just so I could whip something together "in a hurry" to give me a better vision of what I am going to do IT will change and become more of what the challenge is about, and while it currently "does" follow the rules it is not up to my standards as I am trying to type the code and watch Dr. Who, BattleStar at the same time :)


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