I have just downloaded my NetAdvantage 2013.1, so I ran the platform installer for the 2012.2 to uninstall everything and install the new version. When the 2012.2 uninstall finished it failed to remove all of the Help package installs for all my 2012.2 products. I am running Windows 8 with Visual Studio 2012.2... How do I get these uninstalled?
Hello Orgbrat,
Do you have any other versions of Visual Studio installed on your machine? Are you getting some sort of error when trying this?
I get the same results as Steve when I try to uninstall 2012.2 on Win 8 x64, with only VS2012.
I had installed all of 2012.2 Ultimate, and I removed all of this. The five help installs all failedthe same way, everything else worked. I seem to remember (something) that had to be doneto get 2012.2 to work with a VS2012 only install. Not sure what it was, but I think I remember itwas mentioned in the forum, or one of your blogs.
I have attached the ASP help log.
This is in the event log.
Product: Infragistics NetAdvantage ASP.NET 2012.2 Help -- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action UnRegisterHelpVS2010, location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2012.2\ASP.NET\Help\, command: c:\Program Files\Microsoft Help Viewer\v1.0\helplibmanager /silent /product "VS" /version 100 /locale en-US /uninstall /vendor "Infragistics, Inc" /productName "NetAdvantage ASP.NET" /mediaBookList "2012.2"
Yes I have VS2012, VS2010, Blend 4 and Blend for VS2012 installed on the machine. Do you want the Log files that you create?