I can not find products list after sign in although my subscription is not expired.
I think Infragistics web site has some problems.
Also, I tried to request support about this issue but after selecting platform the web site does not respond.
Loading circle of "Description" can not be stopped, so I can not write it.
The products that you have registered to your account can be downloaded from the My Keys & Downloads page. For the issue with the submitting a support request, I wasn't able to reproduce this and would like more information if you are still unable to submit a request. Please provide me with the exact steps that you take, what web browser (with full version) you are using, what operating system you are running, as well as the time of your attempt so I may look into this.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.
1) In My Keys & Downloads page, I can't see my product list. It might be javascript error.
2) I clicked [Support Activity] in Account page and "Create a new support request".
In "Submit Your Support Request",
1 Select the platform / product - I selected "Winform"
2 Product Informatioin - I selected "Infragistics Windows Forms 2014 Vol.1 but I can not procede any more because there is no contents in combobox
3 Environment Information - There is no contents in combobox
4 Support Request Details - Loading Circle can not be stopped, so I can not input the description
Thank you for your response.
Please provide the web browser you are using, including its version.
Chrome : v 35.0.1916.153 m
IE : v 9.0.8112.16421
This is most likely an issue in the way the browsers on the computers at your company are configured. Our web-site requires that JavaScript be enabled in order to function properly. I would also recommend checking with your IT department to see if a firewall may be causing this issue.
This issue affect not only me but also everyone where I work.
Does this issue affect everyone where you work or just you?