Hierarchical grid example
You can review the samples with angular wrappers here - http://igniteui.github.io/igniteui-angular-wrappers/
And this is the sample for igHierarchicalGrid - http://igniteui.github.io/igniteui-angular-wrappers/samples/igHierarchicalGrid/igHierarchicalGrid.html
Here some more info - https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-angular-wrappers#ignite-ui-wrappers-for-angular
Deyan Kamburov,
I am using igniteui-angular-wrappers with angular6.Getting Jquery is not defined error.Alredy installed igniteui-angular.
Can i use igniteui-angular-wrappers with angular 6?
Sure, you can. You'll need references to jQuery, jQuery UI and Ignite UI.
The most probable reason for this is not loaded references of Ignite UI product on the page.
installed jquery,jquery-ui-bundle using npm. after installing juqery,jquery-ui. Included js files into angular.json.
No i am getting this error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined.
How can i fix this.