In the project that is hybrid angular 5, igniteui-angular ( 5.3.2 ) and igniteUI 17.2 I need to add excel file upload so on the server side to get it as Memory Stream... Any example anywhere that I can use .. or may be pure angular ig sample.. Thanks.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support.
Here you can read the full documentation of IgUpload control. Also we provide you Ignite UI wrappers for Angular, so in this way you can use our IgniteUI for JavaScript controls in Angular applications. Here you can see the working example with IgUpload control and to explore the sample code.
If you need any further assistance, please contact us.
Do you have a link where I can see igUpload wrapper for angular 5 and sample project where it is used... the example link refers to angualrJS.. Thanks.
Hello,Thank you for contacting us.I am sending you a small example where you can see how you can set up IgUploadComponenet inside Angular Application. Please notice the necessary scripts that must be imported in index.html file. Also you can just import { IgniteUIModule } from 'igniteui-angular-wrappers'; in the app.module.ts file and use all of the componets from the library.If you need any further assistance, please contact us.