The igx grid seems to only read the date after I resize the window. My structure is rather simple and basic, I'm not trying to edit the date and I haven't implemented yet any advanced features. After loading (or putting in a search value) I get the error text "Grid has no data.", a simple resize of the window makes it display the values it should.
(The first table is the classic <table> as comparison, they both use the same data)
<igx-grid id="grid1" [width]="'100%'" [data]="this.zahlungsbedingungen" [autoGenerate]="false">
The binding here should be straight forward enough.
ngOnInit() { this.zahlungsbedingungResource.query({ q: '*' }).$observable.subscribe(zb => { zb.forEach((z) => { this.zahlungsbedingungResource.get(z.$primaryKey, { current: true }).$observable.subscribe(q => { this.zahlungsbedingungen.push(q); }); }) }); console.log(this.zahlungsbedingungen); //... }
Hello Andreas,
Can you provide a sample reproducing the issue? I suspect it is something with the way the grid is data bound and the fact that the grid itself has OnPush as a default change detection strategy. Is you data source an observable + async pipe or a simple array?
Thank you for the quick reply here too, I added som resources to the initial post. I should be using observables, is there a way to trigger the change detection manually? But then again, that would just address the symptom, not the root of the problem.