How i can completely hide toolbar title?
I found example https://ko.infragistics.com/angular-demos/grid-crm?v=201804251450
Example doesn't have 'span.igx-grid-toolbar__title' and, so 'div.igx-grid-toolbar__custom-content' can consume all parent width.
But in my case 'span.igx-grid-toolbar__title' doesn't disappear anyway.
I have already tried to set toolbar title as empty string, but i got empty 'span.igx-grid-toolbar__title' tag
Hello Eugene,
Setting the toolbarTitle to an empty string should remove the title span. I tested it in this small sample application and it seems to work. Please, review and modify it in order to demonstrate the issue you are having, so we can investigate this further. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Oh! Thanks!I used to set title as
I got the result in the following ways: