I was wondering if someone can point out what i am doing wrong or missing as when i use the drop down box which uses rest api on
backed to get its data (which works fine as expected ) cuts off the bttn of the Display text or acts wired.
Any idea how to fix this ?
Here is the Code i am using to create the DropDown<form novalidate [formGroup]="form"> <igx-input-group #inputGroup class="input-group" [igxToggleAction]="dropDown"> <input #input class="input" type="text" igxInput [igxDropDownItemNavigation]="igxDropDown" readonly= "true" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" formControlName="selected" (keydown.ArrowDown)="openDropDown()"/> <label *ngIf="label && label.length" igxLabel>{{label}}</label> <igx-suffix igxButton="icon" class="dropdownToggleButton" igxRipple> <igx-icon *ngIf="igxDropDown.collapsed; else toggleUp" fontSet="material">arrow_drop_down</igx-icon> <ng-template #toggleUp> <igx-icon fontSet="material">arrow_drop_up</igx-icon> </ng-template> </igx-suffix> </igx-input-group> <igx-drop-down #dropDown (onSelection)="onSelection($event)"> <igx-drop-down-item *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="option.value" [isSelected]="option.name === selected.value"> {{ option.name }} </igx-drop-down-item> </igx-drop-down> </form>
Hello Tom,
Looking at the pictures you provided this looks like an issue in our input component. Using the code you provide I have created small sample in StackBlitz here. I was not able to reproduce the issue you are showing in my sample. Can you try to modify my sample and reproduce this issue so I can investigate it further?
Looking forward to your reply and sample provided.
Thanks, i tried to move straight to your Drop down but i cant find a solution for the following situation.I have a Text and Value for each item in the drop down box. I can click on drop down and get the list of Text fine but when i click on it , i don't want to display the value , i want to display the text in the drop down box.For example user selects France which has an value of FR but i still want the list to show the text of France and then when i have to submit my form i will send the value of the selected item instead of the Displayed Text.
Here is what i played around with
Hi Tom,
In your sample you are using input. The input is limited to only one property – value. Whatever you set to value this will be shown in the input and send to the server on form submit. To solve this you may add one additional hidden input. In this hidden input you should set the value of the drop down item and in the visible one the text of the drop down item. Please check updated StackBlitz here showing how to achieve this.
Please keep in mind you may also use our IgxCobo or IgxSelect components. First one is multi select drop down while the second is single select.
Please let me know if any additional questions on this matter arise.