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igxCell isAddRow

I am currently adding using the beginAddRowByIndex function, and one thing I noticed is that when I add a row with the following columns, a placeholder value (header text) is shown in the entityId and description columns, but not the dataType column. 

<igx-column field="entityId" header="Property Id" [sortable]="true"></igx-column>
<igx-column field="description" header="Description" [sortable]="true"></igx-column>
<igx-column field="dataType" header="Data type" [sortable]="true">
	<ng-template igxCell let-val let-cell="cell">{{val | lookup: dataTypesLookup}}</ng-template>

After digging through the cell.component.html file, I noticed that in the #addRowCell template, it's using a property called isEmptyAddRowCell to conditionally render the cell value, or the header. Given an ng-template with the igxCell directive, is there any way to determine the following:

  1. If the cell.row is a new row, aka, isAddRow. I see some stuff in the codebase like let-row, but that yields undefined for me.
  2. Is there a way to get access to the parent IgxGridCellComponent component, so that the its properties like isEmptyAddRowCell and template can be used?
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