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Data chart not showing at all


I am trying to add simple example of igx-data-chart in my Angular part of Electron app as shown here: and the chart is not showing at all, I only get this:

TS component code and HTML is the same (only the name of the component is different for the purposes of my application, everything other is literally copy-paste).
Also added required modules in app.modules.ts and this is the code of scss for chart component:

@import url("");

Version of libraries in package.json:

"igniteui-angular": "^13.1.11",
"igniteui-angular-charts": "^13.1.1",
"igniteui-angular-core": "^13.1.1",

I just started with IgniteUI so I really do not know what is wrong, and why my chart is not showing at all.
Any help is welcome, thanks in advance. 

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  • 28945
    Offline posted

    Hello and thank you for contacting Infragistics. Try giving the chart a height in pixels. Which series are you trying to render? Please visit our website, use the stackblitz button on one of the chart samples and fork it with your changes. Then paste the new link here so I can review the issue.

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