My question is about the style of IgcDockManager IgcPaneHeaderComponent after Chrome 103.xx.xx.
Yesterday I have the Chrome version equal to 102.xx.xx and my header appear like this
due to these classes
(NOTE: the &::part notation works fine and @apply notation is why I use tailwind in my angular app but nothing changes writing the normal css class)
After updating Chrome to version 103.xx.xx the header appear like that
The header return to the default class. I notice that the igc-pane-header-component has another attribute, in addition to part="pane-header", that is exportparts="pane-header-actions,pane-header-content" and I notice that if I insert in exportparts the string 'pane-header' the right css class appears in Style panel of DevTools of Chrome.
BEFORE with exportparts="pane-header-actions,pane-header-content"
AFTER with exportparts="pane-header-actions,pane-header-content,pane-header"
Have you faced with this problem? Do you have any solutions?
Ah ok perfect. Thank you so much!
Kind regards
Hello Giuseppe,
It is not released yet. We will comment in the issue with the version containing the fix.
Kind regards,
Dimitar Dimitrov
Software Developer
Hello Dimitar,
I have the last versione of dockManager (1.9.0). The splitter issue is resolved for the last version? Status on github is resolved but my style not work.
Kind regard, thanks a lot
I logged an issue about the splitter, you can keep an eye here for the version, containing the fix:
And here is a sample demonstrating how to change various buttons in the Dock Manager: Codesandbox
I update @infragistics/igniteui-dockmanager to 1.9.0 version and the problem with pane-header-content is resolved but now seems that other components not read the style applied in the same way like the splitter-base
Before update pane-header-content not read styles but splitter-base is like this
After update pane-header-content read styles correctly but splitter-base is like this
It returned to the original styles.
In addiction I'm not able to change the icon of the default button in header like your guide suggests
I'have another question. It's possible to add custom button to the header button?
Thank you so much