Dear team,
We are using .beginAddRowByIndex(0) to add a new row to the grid.
We don't want to see default "Row added" snackbar notification when we add the row to the grid because we have implemented our own notification functionality in generic for the application.
Please give us your inputs or a sample to not show the default snackbar notification.
Hello Rameez,
I have been looking into your question and the igx-snackbar with the notification of a new row being added is the default behavior that occurs after the addition of the new row takes place. It is rendered in the overlay container by adding various classes with visible and hidden styles.
What I could suggest is to select the given igx-snackbar with its igx-snackbar selector element or to select it with its .igx-snackbar class in the style.scss file. Then overwrite the styles by adding display: none !important. This way, this snackbar will no longer be displayed.
.igx-snackbar { display: none !important; }
In addition, I have prepared a small sample illustrating my suggestion which could be found here. Please test it on your side and let me know how it behaves.
If you require any further assistance on the matter, please let me know.
Georgi Anastasov
Entry Level Software Developer
Hi Georgi,
Thanks for responding!
The provided solution is not useful to us because it hides all our snackbar implementation in the application. But your suggestion helped me in finding the solution.
I have implemented it like this and it worked!