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Style sheet reference issues


Am referring Infragistics theme  in scss file but getting compile error

Error : Module build failed (saas-loader/dist/cjs.js), SAAS error cant find style sheet to import

i have tried below combinations

@use "@infragisitcs/igniteui-angular/theming" as *

@use " ~@infragistics/igniteui-angular/theming" as *

@use "node_modules/@infragistics/igniteui-angular/theming" as *

what is  the issue here. using angular version 15

** for some reason am not able to copy/paste while creating this post

  • 2700
    Offline posted


    Please check out our Update Guide From 14.2.x to 15.0.x, where the required setup for the theming module since version 15.0.x is explained. In case you have upgraded to version 15, I assume this configuration is what must be missing for you, as there have been changes introduced.

    These are namely the "stylePreprocessorOptions”  configuration in the angular.json file and the dependency on the igniteu-theming package.

    Once these are setup correctly, the theming module can be imported in the style files as follows:

    // free version
    @use 'igniteui-angular/theming' as *;
    // licensed version:
    @use '@infragistics/igniteui-angular/theming' as *;

    Additionally, I can suggest referring to any of the samples in our documentation, such as the ones from this topic, in order to check out how theming is configured. All samples’ code can be viewed and edited in StackBlitz.

    If you are still facing difficulties, please, provide more details, such as the error output, so we can assist you.

    Best regards,
    Bozhidara Pachilova
    Associate Software Developer

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