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igx-spreadsheet event for paste?

In our case we have the spreadsheet and we catch the events for (editModeEntering) exiting/exited, because we need to do some processing on what the user did.  We have found that if a user enters a formula in one cell, and then copies that formula, then goes to another cell and pastes, it displays the formula with the new col/row which is great, but is there a way to capture that paste?  We need to know about the change in the new cell so we can process it as we need.  I haven't been able to find a good list of what event might be triggered in this case, but we need to know.

  • 1300
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    After an investigation, I have determined that your requirement could be achieved by binding a method to the ActionExecuting/ActionExecuted event of the igxSpreadsheet. The action, emiited the event could be accessed from the event arguments. This could be achieved as follows:

    <igx-spreadsheet #spreadsheet

          . . .   (ActionExecuting)="actionExecuting($event)">

     public actionExecuting(evt) {

        if (evt.args.commandParameter.originalEvent.type === 'paste') {

          console.log('A value is pasted to the cell');



    Please test it on your side and let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.

    Monika Kirkova,

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