I am using angular 9, using igx grid, trying to some custom function inside sorting event but its not firing, not only sorting any other event like cell edit.
I am using like below.
<igx-grid #grid1 [data]="localData" width="100%" (onsortingDone)="handleSortingDone(event)" [autoGenerate]="false">
<igx-column width="60px" field="clientId" header=" "> <ng-template igxCell let-cell="cell" style="width: 40px!important;margin-top:-10px"> <img src='../../../assets/images/avtar-table-image.png' /> </ng-template> </igx-column>....
Please let me any other information required.
After an investigation, I have determined that the name of the event is ‘onSortingDone’ and not ‘onsortingDone’ and if the name is incorrect the method would not be called. Binding a method to the event should look as follows:
<igx-grid #grid1 [data]="localData" width="100%" (onSortingDone)="handleSortingDone($event)" [autoGenerate]="false">
However, please keep in mind that support is applicable to two versions back - latest stable, and the previous major version, which means that version 9 is considered retired and is no longer eligible for Developer Support Services.
Additionally, since version 12.0 the event is renamed from ‘onSortingDone’ to ‘sortingDone’.
Please let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.
Regards,Monika Kirkova,Infragistics
Thanks ,
can you please provide the igx-angular documentation link for angular 9.
Every where I have seen the examples for angular 18.