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igniteUI MVC igGrid not loading if Hiding column

I have a simple Razor grid which works fine if in Hiding the Hidden is false.

.Columns(column =>
column.For(m => m.Reference).HeaderText("Ref").Width("10%");
column.For(m => m.Details).HeaderText("Details1").DataType("String").Width("30%");
.Features(feature =>
.ColumnSettings(cs =>

If I change the Hidden property to true the column header is shown as hidden but no data rows are displayed: 


Can you see any reason why this should behave in this way. 



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    Offline posted

    t seems like you're using the Infragistics Ignite UI for ASP.NET MVC to create a Razor grid, and you're encountering an issue when setting the Hidden property to true for a column.As for mac os type, I'd choose file browser mac, for top users. The behavior you're describing, where the column header is shown as hidden but no data rows are displayed, could be related to the fact that when you hide a column, the associated data might also be hidden from view.


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