we have custom proprietary data that we want / need to add as a standalone indicators to a Blazor FinancialChart, so no overlay but like the AbsoluteVolumeOscillator to the bottom of the chart.Is this possible ? I can't seem to find any documentation on how to achieve this...Thank you,Wim
Hello Wim,
Thank you for your post. Right now we just have Blazor preview version out and that why we don’t have document online yet.
We are planning to release Blazor sometime in August /September, once we will release Blazor financial chart will support all the indicators it does in react/angular/web components.
Let me know if you have any question.
Divya Jain
Hi Divya, I'm a software-achitect at my firm and we are investigating whether the blazor financial chart would be a possibility to implement to cover our needs. However, my question is a bit different from your answer :-) What i need to know is if the financial chart supports the possibility to add custom indicators (so not the pre-defined indicators that are available out of the box).If the blazor-component will act like the react/angular-components then the question remains the same; is it possible to add company-written custom-indicators there as well ? I can't seem to find any documentation/examples for that too yet it seems very obvious it would allow so ...Wim
Thank you for the update. We have a CustomIndicator type, which has an event ‘applycustomindicators’ that allows you to implement a custom indicator calculation. Its possible in the v1 version of Blazor that we may need to provide a JS event handler to implement this custom indicator type, not sure yet.
We have the same feature for angular/and react, you can refer this documnent to understand the feature, mostly we will have something same for Blazor also, you can refer this Angular doc of customIndicators here.
Sincerely,Divya Jain
Hello Wim ,
Thank you for the update. Right now with our preview version of Blazor we do not have this functionality available yet but we are trying to target the release by 10th August and then we will release all the functionality with the sample browser for the reference.
Thank you.
Divya,the event is not firing. This is my basic definition <FinancialChart @ref="DailyChartobj" Width="100%" Height="70vh" Brushes="green" NegativeBrushes="red" VolumeBrushes="gray" DataSource="@AppDataService.CurrentDailyData.PriceData" ChartTitle="Price" CrosshairsDisplayMode="CrosshairsDisplayMode.Both" CrosshairsSnapToData="true" FinalValueAnnotationsVisible="true" IsVerticalZoomEnabled="true" IsHorizontalZoomEnabled="true" XAxisMode="FinancialChartXAxisMode.Time" YAxisMode="FinancialChartYAxisMode.Numeric" YAxisExtent="80" ZoomSliderType="FinancialChartZoomSliderType.None" VolumeType="FinancialChartVolumeType.Column" UnknownValuePlotting="UnknownValuePlotting.LinearInterpolate" CustomIndicatorNames="@customIndicatorNames" ApplyCustomIndicators="OnApplyCustomIndicators"> </FinancialChart>
The namesstring[] customIndicatorNames = { "INDICATOR1", "INDICATOR2" };
And this is the event
private void OnApplyCustomIndicators(FinancialChartCustomIndicatorArgs e) { // not firing }I must be missing something crucial/simple I guess. I found in the Angular documentation that there are minimum-requirements for a custom-indicator to be valid (like have an open/close/...) but that seems odd; what we need to do is add a simple line-indicator that projects a calculated value on the Y-axis while using the X-axis (datetime-based) of the parentchart. Where would I need to put the definition for that extra indicator ? Within the <FinancialChart>-tag or within the OnApplyCustomIndicators-event ?Anyhow; it looks like the event is not firing; maybe a specific module needs to be registered ?Wim