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What happened to the IgbGeographicSymbolSeries MarkerTemplateScript

I upgraded my 21.1 blazor nuget files to 21.2 today.  I have many type of maps that use custom markers built in Javascript files.  They work perfectly in 21.1, however they never get called in 21.2.

These are extremely important to our maps.  What do I need to do to get these marker templates to work again.  I reference the script as follows

<IgbGeographicSymbolSeries DataSource="@series.GeoSeriesData"
                                        MarkerTemplateScript="wellSymbolTemplate"   />

and I register the template with

igRegisterScript("wellSymbolTemplate", wellSymbolTemplate, true);

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  • 34690
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Richard,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are seeing, but at the moment, I cannot seem to reproduce the behavior where the MarkerTemplateScript on the IgbGeographicSymbolSeries is not called in the 21.2.22 version of Ignite UI for Blazor.

    I am attaching a modified version of a sample project from our Ignite UI for Blazor samples browser that is used to demonstrate the MarkerTemplateScript such that it is consistent with the code you have provided. If you can please modify this or provide an isolated sample of your own that demonstrates the behavior you are seeing, that would be most helpful.

    For reference, the Ignite UI for Blazor samples browser can be found here: All of the samples there can be downloaded from the following GitHub page:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
