I am using igGrid and i have a column like refer attached image and below is the requirements:
1. Check status - when clicking check status link, then sorting should happen
2. Image 'I' icon - when clicking image then some information will be display as tool tip
My problem is:
When i clicking 'I' icon image in ipad, toot tip is displaying and same time sorting happens.
I don't want sorting when clicking 'I' icon image
This is not working in the devices such ipad but same working fine in desktop browses like IE, Chrome etc
Please help me in this regards
Hi infragistics,
Any updates on this?
Hi Ashok,
Thank you for posting in our forums!
I will need a little more information. Provide the following details for me so I may better assist you with this issue.
1. What code you are using to create the 'i' icon in the header?2. What code are you using to handle clicking the 'i' icon?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Below code for creating columns in igGrid
$( "#ExportPaymentsgrid" ).igGrid( { autoGenerateColumns: false, renderCheckboxes: true, width: "100%", rowsRendered: function (evt, ui) { gridRendered(evt, ui); }, columns: [ { headerText: "Activity" + Divider + "Date", key: "ActivityDate", width: DateWidth, dataType: "date", format: "MM/dd/yy" }, { headerText: "Activity" + Divider + "ID", key: "ActivityIdentity", width: ActivityNoWidth, dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Invoice Id", key: "PaymentID", dataType: "string", width: InvoiceIDWidth, hidden: BoolValue, template: $( "#EditInvPopup" ).html() }, { headerText: "Payment" + Divider + "Type", width: PaymentTypeWidth, key: "CheckType", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Payment" + Divider + "Amount", key: "PaymentAmount", dataType: "decimal", width: PaymentAmountWidth, format: "##0.00", template: $("#PaymentAmountPopup").html() }, { headerText: "Invoice" + Divider + "Status", key: "InvoiceStatus", width: InvoiceStatusWidth, dataType: "string", hidden: BoolValue }, { headerText: "Mail" + Divider + "Date", key: "CheckDateDisplay", width: CheckDateWidth, dataType: "date", format: "MM/dd/yy" }, { headerText: "Check" + Divider + "Number", key: "CheckNumber", width: CheckNumberWidth, dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Expense" + Divider + "Status", key: "ExpenseStatus", width: ExpenseStatusWidth, dataType: "string", hidden: ExpenseBoolValue }, { headerText: $("#CheckStatusIcon").html(), key: "CheckStatus", width: CheckStatusWidth, dataType: "string" }, { key: "CityState", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { key: "WithHoldingAmount", dataType: "decimal", format: "currency", hidden: true }, { key: "WithHoldingBy", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { key: "ApprovedBy", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { key: "Comments", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { key: "ExpenseKey", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { key: "ConsultantTypeId", dataType: "Number", hidden: true }, { key: "IsPRFaculty", dataType: "Number", hidden: true }, { key: "PaymentNumber", dataType: "Number", hidden: true }, { key: "Reissue", dataType: "Number", hidden: true }, ], dataSource: result.data, responseDataKey: "result", features: [ { name: "Responsive",
enableVerticalRendering: false, columnSettings: [ { columnKey: "activityDate", classes: "ui-hidden-phone" } ], responsiveModes: { customPhone: { minWidth: 0, maxWidth: 600 }, // alternative mode customAlt: { minWidth: 601, maxWidth: Number.MAX_VALUE } } }, { name: "Sorting", type: "local" } ]
} ); } );
Below code for script for binding column check status
script id="CheckStatusIcon" type="text/template">
Check Statusimg class='imgicon' src='../../Content/themes/base/images/compound.png' id='infoIconImg' width="16" height="16" />
Below code for tool tip of i icon
var bodytext = 'test'
$("img#infoIconImg").tooltip({ content: bodytext, tooltipClass: "checkstatustooltip", position: { my: positionfortooltip, at: "left top", using: function (position, feedback) { $(this).css(position); } }, show: false, hide: false });
when i clicked 'i' icon in ipad, sorting should not happen but currently sorting happen.
Sorting should happen only when clicking check status link.
Thank you for the sample code. Since I am still unsure of how you are handling the click event for the tooltip, I have put together a sample that used event.stopPropagation() to prevent the column from being sorted if the user clicks on the icon.
I have attached my sample to this case for demonstration. If you have any further questions or concerns with this, please let me know.
Your solution is working fine. Thanks for that
Please see attached image and asking some question
Why arrow mark is moved to top?
Why column sorting colour is applied when clicking on image?
Is there any solution to avoid both?
The arrow appears at the top in my sample due to the styling that is applied. I was also trying to mimic your header based on the screenshots and I added a tag in the header's template. Looking at your screenshots, you have the arrow appearing next to the 'i' icon. This is based on the styling and my solutions should not affect your application's styling.
As for the style being applied to the header, this is applied through a mousedown event. You can prevent this by handling a mousedown event on your image and cancelling the event. The following code can be used for this:
$("img#infoIconImg").on("mousedown", function(evt) { return false;});
I have modified my sample with the above suggestion and attached it to this post.
If you need any further assistance with this, please let me know.