Hi there,
I have igCombo on an MVC vew defined as follows:
@Html.Infragistics().ComboFor(m => m.PrdColourID).ID("cboItem").DataSource(Model.Items).DataSourceUrl(Url.Action("GetItemsLOD", new { intCtBrID = Model.CtBrID, strBarCodeFilter = Model.BarCodeFilter })).ValueKey("prd_colour_id").TextKey("prd_colour_code").Width("310px").LoadOnDemandSettings(load => load.Enabled(true).PageSize(25)).ShowDropDownButton(false).Virtualization(true).FilteringType(ComboFilteringType.Remote).AutoComplete(false).AllowCustomValue(false).DataBind().Render()
If the selected item is one of the first items in the list (e.g. the first page), the combo displays the selected item code. If its not on the first page, and has been found by the filter type-ahead, it is not shown after selectsion
How can this be resolved?
I had a similar problem, I managed to solve it by adding the item to be selected to the top of the list returned by the remote datasource, so it would always be on the first page, so it will be shown. I know this is a dirty hack, but it works, apparently. More on this: http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/105234.aspx
If any of the Infragistics guys could come up with a better solution, I'm interested ;)
Thanks for the feedback guys. Have worked around it by applying a pre-filter
Hello Deon,
Thank you for getting back to me. By saying "applying a pre-filter" I assume you mean that you are filtering the data items before combo initialization, in order later the desired item to be in the first (e.g.) 16 items and to be initially selected. I believe that other community members may find your workaround helpful.