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Cascaded combo box loses value after post

I'm writing  an ASP.NET MVC5 application using Ignite.  I have 3 cascading combo boxes that I need to populate via Ajax calls.  I'll show the first 2 as the third follows the same pattern and has the same issue as the third.  My issue is that after post, the cascaded combo's lose their values.  (The "Parent" works fine)

LMK if you need more details

@Html.LabelFor(model => model.GroupId, "Group")
                            .ComboFor(model => model.GroupId)

@Html.LabelFor(model => model.ProjectId, "Project")
                            .ComboFor(model => model.ProjectId)

JavaScript to populate
<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).delegate("#cmbGroups""igcomboselectionchanged"function (evt, ui) {
            var cmbGroups = ui.owner;
            var groupId = cmbGroups.value();
            var postData = { "groupId": groupId };
            $.getJSON('@Url.Action("GetProjectsByGroupId""Report")', postData, function (returnData) {
                    ID: "cmbProjects",
                    Name: "cmbProjects",
                    dataSourceType: "json",
                    dataSource: returnData,
                    textKey: "ProjectName",
                    valueKey: "ProjectId",
                    enableClearButton: false

  • 2525

    Hello fuzzbone,

    You can look into our sample here on how to implement cascading dropdown:

    Note how in the the sample this behavior is achieved by reassigning a dataSource of the targerted igCombo and then calling the dataBind method. This is also more efficient than reinitializing another igCombo.

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