I would like to add Datepicker filter "outside" igGrid. How do I bind source and raise event to trigger igGrid refresh?
Hi Sebrina,
One approach to do this is to get the value from the DatePicker and use the filtering API - filter
Or alternatively you can filter your data manually and set it as a new datasource to the grid.(dataSource)
Hi Dyan,
Thank you for the help. It works! :)
But then I come to encounter another problem, is to continue applying igGridPaging after refresh the Grid with DatePicker filter.
Here is what I have, with this, I am getting the filtered data inside grid, but I am unable to see the whole list as the paging index and size is gone after refresh, I am now only be able to view the first page
jQuery.ajax({ url: "report.php?xxxx", data: { start_time : start_time , end_time: end_time}, dataType: "json", method: "post", success: function(response) { if (response) {
jQuery("#grid").igGrid("option", "dataSource", response);
}, error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.log("Search Error!!"); } });