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Add cell comment using WorksheetRow

Hello ,

Please help me to add comment using WorksheetShow ( Its mentioned that I need to use setcellcomment method for inserting comment . Can some one provide me an example on using this method.

I previsously used . But Its adding Blank Comment and that text is not getting inserted . I raised the issue but got no response.

Appreciate your help .



Parents Reply
  • 310
    posted in reply to Petko Petkov

    Hi Petko Petkov ,

    I am working in a Single page application. I hava a page which has tabs and when the user click a tab I call UploadExcel function.

    Javascript :

        function UploadExcel() {
                $("#input").on("change", function () {
                    var excelFile,
                        fileReader = new FileReader();


                    fileReader.onload = function (e) {                  

                        var buffer = new Uint8Array(fileReader.result);

                        $.ig.excel.Workbook.load(buffer, function (workbook) {

                                      var column, row, newRow, cellValue, columnIndex, i,
                                worksheet = workbook.worksheets(0),
                                columnsNumber = 0,
                                gridColumns = [],
                                data = [],

                            // Both the columns and rows in the worksheet are lazily created and because of this most of the time worksheet.columns().count() will return 0
                            // So to get the number of columns we read the values in the first row and count. When value is null we stop counting columns:
                            while (worksheet.rows(0).getCellValue(columnsNumber)) {

                            // Iterating through cells in first row and use the cell text as key and header text for the grid columns
                            for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnsNumber; columnIndex++) {
                                column = worksheet.rows(0).getCellText(columnIndex);
                                //gridColumns.push({ headerText: column, key: column });


                   //Getting the Excel data
                            // We start iterating from 1, because we already read the first row to build the gridColumns array above
                            // We use each cell value and add it to json array, which will be used as dataSource for the grid
                            for (i = 1, worksheetRowsCount = worksheet.rows().count() ; i < worksheetRowsCount; i++) {
                                newRow = {};
                                row = worksheet.rows(i);

                                for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnsNumber; columnIndex++) {
                                    cellValue = row.getCellText(columnIndex);
                                    newRow[gridColumns[columnIndex]] = cellValue;


                            //Addded the code for testing comment insertion
                            var comment = new $.ig.excel.WorksheetCellComment();
                            var formatted = new $.ig.excel.FormattedString('This is a comment');
                            comment.Text = formatted;

                            createGrid(validatedData, gridColumns);    

                                saveWorkbook(workbook, "test.xlsx");

                            $("#import-submit").attr("disabled", false);
                            // we can also skip passing the gridColumns use autoGenerateColumns = true, or modify the gridColumns array

                        }, function (error) {
                            //Need to be changed
                            $("#result").text("The excel file is corrupted.");

                    if (this.files.length > 0) {
                        excelFile = this.files[0];
                        if (excelFile.type === "application/" || excelFile.type === "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" || (excelFile.type === "" && ("xls") ||"xlsx")))) {
                        } else {
                            $("#result").text("The format of the file you have selected is not supported. Please select a valid Excel file ('.xls, *.xlsx').");


    function saveWorkbook(workbook, name) {
      { type: 'blob' }, function (data) {
                    var delay = 500; //1 second delay makes the download to work in FireFox
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        saveAs(data, name);
                    }, delay);
                }, function (error) {
                    alert('Error exporting: : ' + error);

    HTML :

                                                    <input type="file" class="span6" style="padding-left: 6px;" id="input" accept="application/, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" />                                              
                                                    <div id="result"></div>
                                                    <table id="gridBulkLoadTmpt"></table>

    Let me know if you need any further info.


